
About Brainet Group

In the 1980s, the curtain of direct selling business in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia was raised by foreign direct selling companies from countries such as the US and Japan. In February 1992, Taiwan promulgated Fair Trade Act, which further laid a new milestone in the development of direct selling industry in Taiwan.

Gaining an insight into the potential of future development of direct selling industry in Taiwan, Mr. Lee Jiu-ci, who is highly celebrated in Taiwan’s business circle and used to work for Business Weekly and China Productivity Center and assume responsibility for the implementation of the National Quality Promotion Program under the auspice of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Executive Yuan, established Brainet Group in September 1992, which was the first professional organization in Asian area dedicated to providing omni-bearing guidance for direct selling industry. In January 1993, Mr. Lee also founded the first Chinese professional direct selling magazine – Direct Selling Century.

The establishment of Brainet Group combined the efforts of professional journalists, practical direct selling experts and business management consultants with international vision. The mission statement of Brainet Group is to create a bright future for direct selling industry in Asia-Pacific area by accelerating the informationalism, professionalism and internationalism of direct selling industry in Asia-Pacific area in order to serve all companies and individuals in direct selling business in the region. We use “Brainet” (pronounced “Chuan-zhi” in Mandarin) as the name of the Group to adopt the profound meaning of “conveying sincerity, creating wisdom and helping people toward achievements” in the hope of making “direct selling”, a people-centered business, helpful to create happiness and welfare for more families and individuals in the 21st century.
In the bullish development of direct selling business in Asia-Pacific area in the 1990s, Brainet Group duly played the following three main roles:

1. As a provider of direct selling knowledge and information
Activities in the role include publishing direct selling professional media and books, holding regular direct selling business events, promoting the development of direct selling business internationally, and enhancing the social status and image of direct selling business. Since its first publication in January 1993, Direct Selling Century has become the most widely circulated, frequently read and highly influential direct selling professional medium in Asian area.

2. As a professional development institute for high-ranking direct selling business talents
In order to promote the professionalism of direct selling business and attract talents from all walks of life to join the business, the first “Direct Selling College” in Taiwan was established in 1999, combining the resources from various circles of the society and gathering the talents of over 100 well-known instructors from direct selling industry, education and training industry and academic organizations to jointly cultivate direct selling professional talents for over 50 direct selling companies so as to enhance the professional image and social recognition of direct selling business.

3. As a professional consulting organization to provide advice on the establishment and management of channels for direct selling and health products.
The developments of direct selling industry and health industry are mutually complementary. Brainet Group has established a firm foundation in both direct selling and health domains during the past 12 years and become the most authoritative consulting organization in direct selling and health industries in Asian area.
The business consulting services provided by Brainet Group include:
1. Establishment of start-up direct selling business and planning of total-marketing strategy – consulting service.
2. Management advice on international development of direct selling business – consulting service.
3. External resources integration and media publicity program of direct selling business – publicity service.
4. Establishment of organizational education and training system for direct selling business – training service.

The current associated businesses under the flag of Brainet Group include:
1. Brainet International Culture Co., Ltd. – magazine and books publication
2. Brainet International Consultancy – direct selling consulting service
3. Brainet International Network Co., Ltd. – direct selling website service
4. Elite College International Education Center – training service

Regularly published media include:
1. Direct Selling Century
2. Direct Selling and Marketing blog (http://dscentury.com/brainet/)

Brainet International Culture Co., Ltd.
Tel.: 886-2-23684498 Fax: 886-2-27188883







